
3 Secrets to the Mediterranean lifestyle - health, happiness and simplified living!

Three Hidden Gems In Pesaro, Italy

Anita and Dario’s Adventures in Le Marche

Welcome to the Province of Le Marche in Italy, everyone! We continue to explore the Mediterranean lifestyle anywhere we go! We are sharing our top 3 picks in Pesaro, which is not so easy, as there is so much more to see, explore, and enjoy in this uniquely vibrant place, but we’ll share as we go along.

Let’s explore the beautiful town of Pesaro. Also, refer to as a city, Pesaro is nestled between the Adriatic Sea and the Alpine mountains. Living the Mediterranean Lifestyle here is almost effortless and gives you a sense of conviviality that is contagious and heart-warming.

The gorgeous coastal town has a population of approximately 94 thousand and is dubbed the Bicycle City, by the Italian Environment Association, as a result of its extensive network of bicycle tracks and pathways. The town promotes cycling which is one way to maintain a clean and healthy environment and support the Mediterranean Lifestyle.

Gioacchino Rossini

Pesaro boasts awe-inspiring history and charm, as it’s the birthplace of the 19th-century opera composer, Gioacchino Rossini, and by virtue, its name is the City of Music. The LaMarche provincial town takes you back in time, and you feel like you’re standing in the shadow of greatness!

Gioacchino Antonio Rossini lived between February 1792 and November 1868 and became famous with 39 operas! The musician started composing at the age of 12 and performed his first piece in Venice in 1810 at 18 years old. He also wrote chamber music, numerous songs, sacre music, and piano pieces. He was great at writing comical and serious operas in his day and retired in his 30s at the height of his popularity.

Chiesa Parrocchiale di SANTA MARIA (MADONNA) Di LOTETO n Pesaro

Another key point landmark to visit in Pesaro is the famous Parish Church of S. Maria di Loreto. The ostentatious European structure was modern in 1800, after playing many roles in its historical functions. It too was connected to a hospital for lepers, operating by the religious order of the Knights of S. Lazzaro. Accordingly, It is now a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Rossini Bistrot

To maintain the Mediterranean Lifestyle way of living, the Rossini Bistrot is the place to eat in Pesaro! The classic fine dining restaurant achieves a 9 + rating out of 10 for excellence in food and food service. And talk about ambiance—it’s a dream. Everything is tasty, also exquisite, and full of historical traditions of goodness and flavor.

There is so much to experience and see in Pesaro. Don’t forget also to drive up the mountain like we did to look out over the vast ocean scene that meets the mysterious skyline. There is Mediterranean beauty everywhere!

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Meet Anita & Dario

As a a Rich Life Strategist & Health Advocate (Anita) and World-Renowned, Multilingual Italian Chef (Dario), we have so much to share with you! Our healthy and passionate Mediterranean lifestyle and mindset initiatives will inspire you to create a lifestyle focused on simple changes that brings you joy and lead to health, happiness, and longevity.

We’ve integrated our skills with global culinary techniques, recipes, nutrition, and mindset adjustments to show you exactly how to do this. It’s time to feel more confident and have more fun in the kitchen again, while re-discovering the world and re-connecting with the ones you love. Best of all, this creates a ripple effect and re-ignites other facets in your life.

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