
Amazing, You’re all signed up!

All the details about the Free 5 Day Food, Travel, and Connection Challenge to Reignite Your Passion for Life are on their way to your email now.

You will receive Day 1 in your inbox on November 15.

In the meantime, check your inbox for a welcome email with your next steps — this may take several minutes to arrive. If the welcome email landed in your Promotions or Spam folder, drag them to your main Inbox. We also recommend adding [email protected] to your address book. This way you won’t miss any of the daily course emails.

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“Thank you both so much for igniting dormant dreams & passions…making me realize it’s time to make them come to life with like-minded people…my time now as my kids have reached independent stages of their lives.

I admire your passion for openly sharing what is meaningful to you & creating community as we often go through life in our own little worlds…especially as this pandemic has magnified a sense of loneliness in many. The positive is it’s allowed us the time to realize & think deeply about what is important in our lives…family, friends, good health, life experiences, continued learning & adventure = creating memories!”

Helen W

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